One day during family pop quiz (No credit to us. It was a Netflix program, and we were playing along), one of the questions was, “Why do people spend so much time planning what they will wear to prom?” Kids: Because they want to flex. Me: Why would you want to flex on prom night? Kids: It is the only day you can show the teachers that you are dope. Me: But why flex? The back and forth continued until I realized we were on two dimensions. For my generation, “flexing” is fighting; for their generation, it means “to show off.” Exhibit 2: While traveling out of the country for work I was chatting online with Jason (11 years). After some time, he said Mama, it was nice chatting, but now I have to be AFK Me: What is that? Jason: Away from the keyboard. It means I am going to do something away from the computer. Exhibit 3: We intentionally purchased a home water dispenser with a safety button to prevent children from accidentally pressing and burning themselves. Some mo...