What makes you a gem?
I recently coached Rene (pseudonym) brilliant young woman who had moved to another country a year ago to take up an executive role in a prestigious company.
Rene: I am so down. I do not know what has gone wrong. All my life -- home, school, work -- people have always commented on how outspoken, brilliant, and confident I am but since I moved here it has been different. People are not saying the things I have been hearing all my life. Something must have definitely gone wrong with me.
After ascertaining that she was doing well in the new job as evidenced by her most recent appraisal. I asked her to write down the 5 things she loved most about herself. When she looked at me, without making a move to start on the assignment, I rephrased the task: "Write down 5 things that make you a gem."
Rene: Doc, I do not want to do this task.
Me: Why?
Rene: What if I discover that there is nothing that I like about myself?
Rene’s dilemma is common among the people I coach. We are always ready with the list of things we do not like about ourselves and we know the things people like about us. When it comes to what we like about ourselves, however, I often get a blank look, uncomfortable silence, or the beginnings of brokenness often going back to childhood.
Life is full of uncertainties; we must be certain of two things:
1. God loves me just as I am
2. These the things that I like about Me. They are what make me a GEM.
Go on now, write down your list of 10.
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